As long as a single person doesn't think of sats attached to Ordinals as any more valuable then fungibility is not broken.
Ordinals are no different to coinage, you have to take something that already exists, e.g: Gold, and work on top of it to transform it, but that does not change the value of the underlying asset, we have had examples of this in antiquity where people moving from one empire to another found themselves having less purchasing power because their coins didn't have the extra value they were assigned just because they had the face of their king/emperor, for other nations those faces meant nothing so what they had was just regular gold. I can't quote any examples as of now since this is coming from the top of my head and I can't find the exact qoute I'm looking for on Google but my source is Debt: The first 5000 years by David Graeber.
I would say sats and Ordinals are the exact same, pieces of any metal could be shaped into any shape or form to display anything but as long as somebody doesn't know or care about the work put behind the reshaping and its significance, they are just mere pieces of metal.
Yes, I agree. Good point