Eric Weinstein was asking this on the WBD podcast a while ago. To paraphrase: "What is it you actually want to do [with bitcoin], what is the world you want to build. I'm bored."
Personaly i think Cashu and @calle are on the bleeding edge of practical bitcoin. Whole hidden meta communities/civilizations could pop up with a more mature version of this technology because it's so easy, already launched, and practical.
Erik left twitter for similar reasons.
Crypto took a lot of wind out of the sales, because we realized we are building tools for really dumb people and maybe the state have a reason for their actions (<-joke).
Stacker news and nostr is amazing, this is the concetration of interesting ideas i've been looking for at least.
Unfortunately, getting excited about money is kind of setting yourself up for dissapoinment. When the first trading coin was minted, no one freaked out and started a personality cult around it.
A more mature and stable attitude survives the test of time. You stack, you secure it, and then go and live your life. We can't even know if the future Bitcoin enables is desirable from our limited perspective, it could go wrong in several ways. So build truth, beauty and good today.