I really don't like the look of titles like this '🎥 BADGZILLA (Baltic Honeybadger 2022, September 3-4, Riga, Latvia) | HodlHodl' ... The signal to noise is so low. WTF is this link even. All caps, special characters, dates, yuck.
Guilty, as charged!
But I'm following the official Stacker News Style Guide (which, since it does not yet exist, means most anything goes, right)?
The movie camera was used to communicate that this essence of this post is a video clip. The BADGZILLA was the title of the video, from the HodlHodl Youtube channel.
But does ...
🎥 BADGZILLA | HodlHodl
do justice as a title? That's mostly ALL noise, almost NO signal.
So I added some more context to the title (i.e., the announcement for which the video was created).
I suppose I could have just had it like:
Announcement: Baltic Honeybadger 2022, September 3-4, Riga, Latvia
I'm also guilty I guess. I need to create a style/posting guide.
I usually avoid posts with emoji's and many special characters (|, @, etc) in the title. Something about it feels noisy. I can tell something is a video or podcast based on the domain its coming from so the emoji's feel extra.
I need to write these ideas out though and see what everyone thinks.
Even this one is gross 'GitHub - jamaljsr/polar: One-click Bitcoin Lightning networks for local app development & testing' ... This is an auto-filled title but I wish it were edited to remove 'Github' because it's redundant given the link is to ... Github.
Duplication of data may be bad in database schema but at the presentation layer I'm not as critical.
But when looking at Hacker News, almost none of those posts for a github would have a title that looks like that. (Or the example you showed of mine, with the emoji).
But then again, this isn't Hacker News. This is Stacker News. Just like how Mastodon isn't Twitter, it is Mastodon. And things there can be different. Which attracts people who are different. Which gives the timelines there more character than a similar Twitter timeline.