I was probably talking about stackers owning their feeds (aka their own perspective of the frontpage). Right now there is a collective homepage - we all see the same thing (wild west mode and greeter mode exempted).
One hypothesis I have is that we can bias each stacker's feed just enough, based on their zap history, such that
  1. stackers are moderating their own experience subjectively and passively
  2. the community feeling is retained because we are all still mostly experiencing the same content
Moderation is required for outlying content yet outlying content is in the eye of the moderator. In the recent nostr communities proposal, it explicitly allows for moderation. The most telling defense of the decision was "moderation isn't censorship, its protection from censorship." This is absolute nonsense imo but it's mostly saying "allowing certain kinds of outlying content to win censors consensus content." We want stackers to decide for themselves what they find outlying while still getting to experience the consensus content.
I much prefer your approach. I wasn't aware of this nostr communities proposal. Would this still be something a relay could opt out of?
I'm not sure how it works tbh. Like with most things on nostr, I suspect you can find relays/clients that don't respect the rules of proposals.