Nostr I personally think do not have much data as of now which companies might prefer to train data on, it would take way to long for it to be have data set comparable to twitter/tumblr/reddit.
But I have a doubt here:
---> The way you referred scraping as a problem, assuming the nostr is scraped through damus, then the damus as a website might slow down. Will its effect be also on other clients in someway? Like Plebstr, Amythest would also be affected?
Although the centralist system has a problem, decentralized system covers it way more but possess another problems. IMO this is how life and systems work, but in the current situation decentralized would be much, much better if it does not become some sort of bot-house.
Instead of website for your damus example you mean relay, and it would affect any clients accessing the overloaded relay. Of course priority can be given to paid users and there can be other fixes. You're right though decentralized systems have their own issues. It's nice to be here before scaling has been the biggest one.