Average Joe is lazy AF, regardless of neverending reminders, that "not your keys, not your Bitcoin":
"Brian Armstrong, CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, said that his company holds around 2 million bitcoin worth $39.9 billion as of September 30, 2022." q.e.d.
so Average Joe will obviously choose an easy peasy custodial wallet like Wallet_of_Satoshi and suddenly there is no problem described above... (like it or not)
OK, probably true for an average user. Still it seems reasonable (just to me?) to assume that, say, 1% of people would want to maintain this self-sovereignity. And even those people - 80M (taking a likely wrong assumption that the world population saturates today) - will hardly afford a TX per year... I'm still not convinced it's the way to go.
I have working channel in my Phoenix wallet with funding transaction 800k sat in 2020-02-22 so, 3.5 years so far, and I see no single reason to close it especially that's $250 right now, and probably $2500 in coming years precious asset in fact - so how could I close it, and not: keep it "forever" ? :)
one TX per decade - is very probable in my case of non-custodial wallet user
But it is not either guaranteed to be kept open forever by ACINQ, especially if all the inbound liquidity is on your side, if I understand correctly?
no, I rather try to keep it "balanced": Spend & Replace :)