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In my years working as a housing organizer in New York City, I witnessed first hand the human costs of gentrification. Despite organized efforts to stem the tide of evictions and rising housing costs, however, things are getting much worse all around us: the explosion in housing prices barely abated after the 2008 meltdown, and continues setting record breaking highs in the face of a deepening homelessness crisis. Luxury towers mushroom throughout the city in a time when most working-class people were barely making ends meet. Where is this deluge of money coming from? When did all this madness begin, and how can we end it?
As traditional organizing tactics and policy tools continue to fall short, the housing movement is in dire need of new strategies and paths forward. The purpose of this article is to identify money creation through the banking system as the root cause of gentrification, and propose that Bitcoin, a decentralized monetary system capable of transferring monetary authority back to the people, is a weapon that can help tenants and workers level the playing field.
I agree with your overall sentiment. The central banks are to blame and bitcoin is the solution to the problem.
I am actually reminded of this SN post from a while back about how bitcoin is the tool that will breathe new life into communities by providing the local inhabitants the means to rebuild their local infrastructure and gentrify their own neighborhoods with real money that is open to the entire world and not just a bunch of cantillonaires who are well connected to the supply of new money.
Centrification is just the consequence of the monetary spigot pumping the NGU tech of "investing in real estate".
If more socialists understood this they would probably be capitalists. There is nothing competitive about banks picking winners.
Good write up. We need more people expressing bitcoin's benefits from your perspective. I'm sick of all these libertarians! I'm only kidding. I am a libertarian, but I value different perspectives. Thanks.
You value different perspectives? What are you, a shitcoiner? Clearly you don't understand bitcoin! Bitcoin is the only perspective you need, everything else is a shitcoin in disguise.
Wow, you're good! I think we have a winner
Thanks! I think most people probably don't even realize they are libertarians to some degree. And the left has a long tradition of anarchists and libertarians, some of whom built the labor movement in the US back in the day. Bitcoin is the ultimate coalition builder.
Left Libertarian is an oxymoron lmao..
LOL wikipedia... like I said. Oxymoron
I'm a bitcoinarian
Have you read A Progressive's Case For Bitcoin? Peter McCormack wrote the forward and has really tried to build the coalition with his podcast What Bitcoin Did.
Oh yeah, definitely. That's a great start. Half the people banging their heads against the wall trying to fight for good wages or affordable housing these days, have no idea what Bitcoin is, the other half thinks it's related to speculative finance (aka sinful), or it will boil the planet. But that will slowly change.