Nostr is innovative. It’s a different way of online communication. It’s decentralized, peer-to-peer, and censorship-resistant. It’s like Bitcoin, but for communication. You don’t need any middlemen to use it. You just need a connection to other Nostr users. You have your own identity, verified by cryptography. You can say whatever you want, without fear of being silenced or spied on.
Some people prefer centralized apps, their online friends, and their privacy settings. They are diverse, following the mainstream. They may not be fully aware of Nostr and what it can do.
But some people choose Nostr. They are the pioneers, the visionaries, the challengers. They have seen how their centralized apps can betray them, manipulate them, and exploit them. For example, some apps have sold their data to third parties, censored their content, or influenced their behavior. They value Nostr because they value freedom and security above all else.
The same thing happens with Bitcoin. When fiat money works fine, Bitcoin looks like a play money for geeks. Many people see how innovative and disruptive it is. But when fiat money works badly, inflates away, or changes the rules arbitrarily, people start to appreciate the transparency and stability of Bitcoin. For example, some countries have experienced hyperinflation, capital controls, or currency devaluation. They look for alternatives that respect their sovereignty and something they can own.
That’s why Nostr and Bitcoin are essential in a chaotic and unjust world. The more problems that arise from apps or money that are controlled by someone else, the more people want Nostr and Bitcoin. Nostr is not just an app, it’s a movement. It’s a future of online communication.