To show you which poll choice you made and prevent you from voting in a poll more than once and show you where you spend money, we store it. We could explore some kind of more anonymous poll but just thinking through some alternatives, the more private they become in an absolute sense (ie no one knows how you answered but you), the worse the ux gets.
you could store which you voted for in local storage or indexed db, that way you should have similar UX in most cases without compromising privacy
I agree but is that private enough? It only really makes it slightly harder to break privacy. If few people vote in the poll or everyone votes for a similar choice, or the payment timing matches the poll value changing, it’s not much more private actually.
It’d require anonymizing payment data too I think which would lead to dangling payments in your wallet history.
I’m probably overthinking it. Maybe privacy should be iterated on like other things.
To my poorly-educated ears it sounds like a decent idea - maybe @k00b could also comment on this.
I'm hoping that if 'which way you voted' was held locally it wouldn't need having 'whether you voted' on local storage too (so that polls aren't compromised). Sorry if it's a silly question.
local storage of vote results wouldn't work for those using multiple browsers, or devices
Ah, that's right.
Thanks for coming back to me @k00b.
I hope it goes a little way in soothing any fears of the individuals in question.