Lately, I haven't had a great time.
Everything was going well with my beloved wife and my friends, but I was getting unmotivated at work and in general.
Sleeping was bad; a lot of time was wasted on Twitter and YouTube, and I felt I wasn't deserving of all the good things I have. Until…
A month ago, I started playing poker over the Lightning Network with some friends in their private Telegram group. It was a passion when I was a kid, and it's still a lot of fun for me. The admins noticed my interest, and they invited me to manage the group. They had a vision, and I've been involved.
The energy, the time, and the dedication that we (the admins of this poker group) have put into the vision have been incredible. Endless calls at 3 AM across two continents, non-stop brainstorming, getting mad, and getting excited.
This boosted my mood and my motivation for an ATH. And this time is not going away!
We have so many ideas and things to do that they don't fit into a 24-hour day. The journey has just started, and it looks like it won't ever end. But the views and the vision of the destination... It's absurdly good.
So here I am now. I don't think much more about my job; I'm eating less and healthier; and my sleep is absolutely fucked up!
Just one day of activity, and so many things to come. I just wanted to share some good news.
If you want to play, you are more than welcome. The community is mainly in Spanish, but we support English as well, and we want to go global. Join us and have some fun!