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600 posts for non-verified user per day. Probably around 10 min per use.
6000 for verified users.
Should see a nice pump for NOSTR usage I think. The largest issue is if dumdums copied and we officially see the end of the open-web.
twatter was dead before Elon
you couldn't use it without a GSM number
Reddit and other social media execs.
I think it would be a positive move, as it would incentivise the development of open network alternatives
It really wasn't tho. Having the plattform with all the celebrities and politicians in the world could have become a successful venture
Why does everyone hate on Elon? I've never really used twitter, but I appreciate his stance on political censorship.
it's not hating to point out objectively bad decision making
For all his free speech talk, he sure does seem to want people paying for it
oh and attach all our personal information to our speech too
You know you're paying for every post/comment you make on SN, right? Nothing wrong with charging people for the platform he provides.
Yea, but SN is value for value. Twitter wants you to pay, but they don’t give something back. It’s a one way street.
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It's not the payment necessarily that's the issue. I see how my original reply sounds that way, apologies.
It's the "for the people" branding while creating new problems to "solve" so he can essentially force people into what he wants that's not a good look.
If Twitter needs more revenue and payment is the only way that's gonna cut it, fine, just make it about that and not about something disingenuous
And on top of that, blocking public access to Tweets without an account is a TERRIBLE idea, especially if free speech really is his goal.
yes, paying to post, but not to consume. very different.
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you do know if you stand in a public square screaming, everyone knows who you are....
they can see you, and may be able to point you out in a line-up. but do they know who you are?
unless you're wearing a mask
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I think a lot of the animosity among bitcoiners goes back to his pushing of dogecoin a few years ago. He also seems to pretend to be principled at times, while ultimately standing for nothing but his own self interest. Other than that, he's a great guy.
The guy is a censoring MACHINE
I don’t see it as hate; more like expressing a distaste for apparent narcissism and hypocrisy. His stance on political censorship is replacing it with his own censorship decided based on his whim.
Short answer: He is a grifter.
This is correct. Looking back it really puts a lot of his other ventures in a very different light!
Love what he stands for, but wrong execution, maybe a good learning experience though
I appreciate his stance on political censorship.
You mean his stance to do more censorship?
Check out Odell's take here: https://www.discreetlog.com/blue-check/
This was just posted on another SN thread
As a SN and nostr only person, there's no difference to me between a blue-check and non-blue-check Twitter user. They're all Elon's bitch as far as I'm concerned.
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“I said free speech not free reading.”
I was enjoying my return to Twitter for a couple months up until today, after I left all of social media. Twitter is basically unusable now and I'll probably leave again but I highly doubt I'd be leaving to join NOSTR. It still seems like too much work for diminishing returns and I'd think quite a few people probably feel similarly.
Naa, some technical issues, he needed to stop the "flood" methinks. Who cares anyway, just use nostr :-)
How is this aging? X has become THE GREAT AWAKENING 👊💥
He is screeming for Nostr adoption.
People have been saying this ever since he took over Twitter and everyone is still on Twitter. Not even an Elon fanboi but come on
I hope that's more for SN and Nostr. I'd also like to see some more Twitter refugees give Minds a shot.
Social media, which thrived on easy money, is only reverting to tighter money mode.
The production value of the Internet is stolen by a few large companies because the content comes from everyone. Social media is theoretically public property, since content is contributed by everyone.
I think the Nostr model should be better. Nostr give production value back to the real producers.
My quick thoughts: If you're reading 600 tweets per day, you're spending too much time on Twitter. 6000, wow. Twitter seems to go through these phases of, "I'm leaving Twitter!" Mastodon had a boom when Elon took over...I tried it twice, still don't get it. Then there was Hive Social, silly. I view the "real" Hive as hive.io the web3 HIVE fork of STEEM (I'm very active there). My gut is that Nostr will not get a surge due to this. There's a technical learning curve here. I think most Twitter users don't like uphill curves of learning. Just keep nostring.
Nostr >>>> Twitter
I see it as reducing spam from those not paying to be verified. In addition, 600 posts a day is a lot. A person must be refreshing there feed every few minutes and replying.
Twitter needs a new revolution on how to restore it loss
As I read "deliberate and slow" wins the race.
lol, you do know he said this is temporary right?
Nostr has few problems right now, it is difficult to switch between clients at times because they do not load all the posts completely. Thus space is very much cluttered. Secondly, it is in development phase and way more updates required.
Thirdly, Apple stopping Damus could be a major setback, not because Damus but because of stopping a service like Nostr/Damus. Lastly as referred in another reply, there is still huge amount of public over those sites and many of them might not switch from them for the next few years at least.
But again, we will grow, consistently, ain't like a hype which could potentially kill us in a long run from gaining users.
Elon just gambled on twitter. IMO
I like nostr but I don't see a pump because Twitter is that strong and people will stay anyways. Looking forward nostr clients on Android get better.