I would most likely sell about 2BTC and keep the last 0.7BTC that I own, but it really depends.
If it was tomorrow (literally) I would convert it to fiat, even with inflation, it would still cover most of the expenses that me and my family have for years to come and maybe until the day I die for sure (yeah I'm quite old).
If this happens in years to come, it would depende if the 1M$ is still able to put food on the table or it's just enough to buy a nice day at a spa, so I would keep stacking.
bro if it goes to 1mil overnight its not stopping there
Maybe and I hope so too, but I do look for what's next and being able to give my family a better future is something that I would do in a heartbeat, everything that comes after is always welcome, but looking how stuff is right now... not sure what to expect.
build a small community of good people where you are, hopefully at least 1 doctor and 1 ranch or property with extra space, food and water source renewable, do firearm and survival training together.
I can cross most of that out, just family thought, and currently investing in wind and solar, but it's a very slow process when you're limited in funds.
wow good stuff bro
Dude, you gotta work on your opsec.
I'm good :)
Sell for something which is going to be more worthless? Why?
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In total yes.
Not advisable to tell people how much you have. You might mistakenly reveal your real identity somehow.
It might take a long time, but I think it's a good idea to treat one's stack as if it had 10x purchasing power. That way one is better prepared in case bitcoin continues to catch on.
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I'm honestly not worried at all, there's about 8 billion people in this world, sure having some trail on these forums is something but I haven't used any personal information nor my usual 'username' or even the e-mail address, I don't see the point on making myself disappear just because some amount of bitcoin laying around. But I totally get what you mean.
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