I'm certainly still learning on this, so, I'm not entirely sure. They are in a taproot wallet address. This is where it gets tricky, at least to me and I have homework to do. As I understand, in a "regular" wallet or perhaps Segwit, when you send sats they just send "random" sats. You've got 1000 and you send 10, it just grabs and sends 10. In a taproot wallet you can avoid this, you can say, "Don't send this one sat." Wallet types: https://bitpay.com/blog/crypto-wallet-addresses/ So to try to answer your questions: 1. to ensure it "get's there", I just check a block explorer. 2. I think the Taproot wallet avoids sending the sat you don't want to send. Again, I'm learning though. :)
Thank you! You gave me an interesting direction of further investigation