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103 sats \ 1 reply \ @Brunswick1 15 Apr 2022
The suggested SynQuacer Linaro96board is a very impressive ITX board, but at over $1k its not exactly the deal a Rpi4b is. The meerkat from sys76 isn't a bad suggestion either at about $600 given its a finished system with a warranty. I use system76 for all my personal desk/laptops even though ubuntu isn't my flavor of choice lately. I'll definitely consider oen of those SynQuacer boards as a VPS/Docker platform.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @goon_retired_acc 16 Apr 2022
The board ships with 32GB RAM @ 400cuckbucks.
The 1k item is the full yolo tower with all bells and whistles
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @BlokchainB 15 Apr 2022
What about using something like this instead of a Raspi pi
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @JustinNakamoto 15 Apr 2022 freebie
Stallman uses a Thinkpad with coreboot firmware, which is auditable and open. The model is on eff.org, or stallman.org.