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I agree with your statement bitcoin will be made illegal in more countries. They will fight it for sure but did you really say you can't buy politicians? Seriously. How do you think democracy works? Do you think they work for the people or the wealthy elites?
Control over money printer is always better deal than anything bitcoiners can offer. Most bitcoiners can offer is a bit more tax revenue (from companies only, individuals wont pay). Thats why.
I think its reposibility of every bitcoiner to ask themselves what are they gonna do if facing jailtime.
They cant torture as all, yes, but they can jail a looooot of us, which is torture at scale.
I don't doubt the evil of the state. I doubt the ability to print forever without complete collapse of their wealth as well. The more politicians and wealthy elites that own bitcoin the better protected we are from the result you suggest. I agree it is possible and it should be in our calculus for sure.
And you bet ya, they will criminalize P2P exchange. Thats big no no. Only way to do that is to have network of agent informers. Doesnt scale, but they can get many people and make exmple of them.
With all you have said you sound pretty bleak but in the end they will lose. If you don't believe that then why are you even here?
They will make anonymous holding illegal. Politicians love to break their own laws. THey will put people to prison while they happily hold "anonymous" bitcoin.
Yep. This is possible for sure.
Fiat already genocided my people. They took out about a third of us. No one said it was going to be an easy transition.
I'm not aware of any people being genocided by fiat...
It's called Weimar Germany hyperinflation and WWII... what do you think was used to pay the companies laying oven bricks and synthesizing lethal chemicals??
Dude people couldn't buy bread with their hyperinflated currency, much less gas chambers.
Dude... how do you think they paid for the war? Fiat and it all came crumbling down because of it.
I think what they are saying is the established history of fiat currencies being used to fund ever larger and longer wars. Fiat does indeed make war far more possible by nation states. In a hard money world nations would need to rely on taxes and taxes are more clearly evident to populations as a cost vs money supply increases.
Yeah I definitely agree with that analysis - it's much easier to finance a war by printing money.
I assumed (from the "about a third of us" bit) that he was referring to runaway inflation under the Weimar Republic leading to the rise of Hitler (who murdered ~1/3 of world Jewry). There are pictures from that era of Germans taking a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread. However, the runaway printing of currency was a symptom of the extortionate reparations the Brits and French forced the Germans to agree to, thus blaming fiat for genocide is questionable.
Now, fiat would be a good explanation for why WWI dragged on for so long, but I don't know to what extent the belligerent parties actually inflated their currencies.
It's exemplary torture. Just like the prohibition of cocaine is exemplary illegal. Just a show.
The steam trains are coming and them horses ain't gonna take you to the future.