The only domain you can ever truly own is a Tor Hidden Service address.
You create and own the keypair.
All other domains are merely renting.
pubkey string isn't very meme-able
Could mine some vanity ed25519 pubkeys but still not easy to recall from memory
Rent can be an expense that has intangible returns. Some rather rent prime real estate than own a turd.
How many people wouldn't be here without
For my domains I mine 5/6/7 character hostname / pubkeys. Then just bookmark it in my browser. Typing the first few memorable characters into the URL bar brings the domain up. I also use a homepage with all my site links , oldschool.
would be easy enough to set up for a tech challenged individual? If you write a setup guide on that it could turn into a waterfall of sats for you
Here is a walk-through from the Tor Project website.
If you have any issues then feel free to contact me directly.