This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I made a posix script version of, to generate credentials without needing python. I feel accomplished.
Anyone expect to see deep learning servicea using LN as a payment method?. Tired of seeing OpenAI censoring access to their tech.
Does OpenAI have a pricing page? Sounds like an interesting challenge.
That'd be really interesting!
reply is a good example, they scale images for free, I feel bad by doing it, they should charge for every image. We need to encourage small development like those instead of VC building those massive services like openAI.
Currently working on making comments cost 10^number of your existing replies.
Is this only the top level? Or do you mean it for all comments under a post?
Same level. For instance, this reply to your comment will cost me 1 sat. If I want to reply to your comment again, I will pay 10 sats. Again, 100 sats.
I can still reply to myself for 1 sat. All this does is remove the current restriction of commenting on a single parent multiple times and replace it with exponential cost.
cant wait too see what money can do to force people to moderate their behavior on communities.
That sounds good then, I like that :)
Elegant solution. It's frustrating clicking into threads with 1 person commenting 5 times. Feeling cat-fished makes me much less likely to engage in the thread at all even if the topic is good.
I agree. We'll also eventually introduce a sort of downvote or a way to say 'I don't like this' and muting which will hopefully help this.
Anyone use the new Gemini card? 3% back on restaurants, 2% groceries seems very compelling. Would be nice to have the extra features/safety of a credit card vs my Fold debit card. Seems a lot better than BlockFi's 1.5%.
Seems much better than most of the crypto cards. All of them are 1.5% back. Curious if they let you pay it off in Bitcoin too.
“The only credit card that doesn’t make you wait a month for your crypto rewards so you can benefit from any crypto price appreciation the moment you swipe.”
Block Fi makes you wait a month. You see how many sats your points can earn you at the current market price. Then you get them in the middle of the month
Mempool is empty, weather is nice. Today is a good day :)
Indeed, reminder to periodically leave your computer/smartphone and go outside!
loving SN so far, thanks @k00b! One minor thing to help UI, the twitter link in the footer should open in a new window instead of existing window. Cheers!
I have some feedback on SN:
  • Don't notify me every time I get some sats for existing. I think that's great, and should be listed somewhere, but don't ping me about it. The result is I spend all my time on my notifications page, not on the SN main page, which is where the goodness is.
  • Page loads could be faster, 1-2s is a little slow, especially when coming from HN.
  • It's reasonable to reply multiple times to a single post, I think this restriction should be removed.
  • Again, comparing with HN, but link posts should probably go directly to the link, not to the discussion page.
Small things, SN is otherwise awesome.
Don't notify me every time I get some sats for existing.
You mean your daily stacking, or the "upvotes" on your posts/comments?
Page loads could be faster, 1-2s is a little slow, especially when coming from HN.
The homepage takes 1-2s for you? I know notifications load kind of slow.
It's reasonable to reply multiple times to a single post, I think this restriction should be removed.
I agree. We were just trying to discourage overdoing it. Some users were posting 5 comments merely providing content like "here's links to related content." We are thinking of just making it 10 sats for your second comment, 100 sats for your third and so on. This way you can still do it - it's just slightly disincentivized.
Charge users for more than one answers for topic. And charge more for every answer hahaha.
I mostly meant notifications for daily stacking, but it applies for upvotes too. The main problem is checking notifications constantly where there's nothing actionable, but it also adds a lot of noise to the notifications page which makes it harder to keep track of comments you want to read/reply to. Maybe separate things out on the notifications page — one column or tab that has a granular vanity feed of rewards, and one that has a reverse chronological feed of replies.
I like that comment disincentivization strategy. Home page is ~1s, notifications are slower (see point #1, I spend more time there than on the home page).
I'll try to make notifications better sooner rather than later. Been getting lots of complaints about them.
With regard to speed, there's a lot more I can do. We perform lots of database dips currently to render most pages.