Unless a person thinks CO2 doesn't exert a greenhouse effect or that CO2 in the atmosphere isn't increasing, they'll probably be interested in reducing emissions. The trickiness is at what cost and for what benefit.
Generally, I think attempts to reduce energy consumption are going fail. It's too useful. I think a lot of renewables are sometimes inconsiderate of end to end harms, costs, and tradeoffs.
I'd prefer our grid to go nuclear and we focus on capturing carbon via turning more deserts into grasslands.
Germany shutting down their last nuclear plants really makes me consider moving somewhere else ...
Germany is goverend by a gang of clowns and people voted for them. But now waking up and realize what trash gov we have.
OT sorry, but funny: Our gang of clowns foreign minister Annalena talks about #BaconOfHope"
She's from the green party (lots of communists).
Can't read, have no twitter account
That is already happening naturally. The question is reduce pollution vs reduce co2. Yes reduce pollution. Co2 is not pollution. The “green” movement has been captured and twisted into an anti-human 500million population cap psyop.