Yes I do since May 15th!
I'll add my view to what @k00b already mentioned:
When we discussed payment I mentioned that I would be open to get paid in bitcoin since there would probably be less fees involved than doing USD<>EUR.
However, this would mean I would probably have to sell BTC to cover my fiat expenses which could make my tax situation more complicated (which is already complicated because of living in Europe but working for a company in the US).
I then looked up my local laws and I noticed that according to it, I can only accept EUR as payment, lol. But I think I read somewhere that I can get paid up to 10% in other currencies.
In Spain, you can get until 30% of your salary in btc or other forms of payment.
I love collecting Bitcoin trivia like this. Thanks for sharing
Very cool! That makes sense, I'm glad you were able to find the best option.
Are you willing to share what your compensation looks like? I work in the same field (software engineering) so am just curious what SN is offering :) No worries if not, of course. I understand not sharing that kind of sensitive info.
No worries, I can understand the curiosity :) I told @k00b about your initial question and he said that he doesn't like to hide information since not hiding it makes us more accountable. Then he answered and I added my view.
Since I also think people should be more open regarding this, here is my answer - but first, some context:
Before joining SN, I have been working for almost 3 years at abusix, a software company with the mission of "fighting network abuse on a global scale" as a working student. My focus was on writing parsers for abuse reports + tooling. As a working student, I can only work up to 20 hours per week. My last pay rate was €18/h. I started there at €14/h and they increased it by 2€ every year based on my work and the experience and responsibility that I gained.
Now to my current compensation:
My compensation at SN is now $25/h and I work 20 hours per week so this was quite an upgrade. I basically earn 38% more now. Also, @k00b mentioned that he is always open to discuss compensation unlike my previous employer.
But my main reason to switch was that abusix has gotten quite large during my time. Tobias Knecht the CEO called it "growing pains". I missed the days where we still had an office and him and me would just chat randomly about anything including how abusix started as 3 lines of bash. These reasons and that I always wanted to work in open source and bitcoin lead me to switch positions. Additionally, I never liked social media in it's prevalent form but saw SN as a model to disrupt social media and become a part of it. So after some initial hesitation (I got really comfortable at abusix), it became a no-brainer and I took the leap :)
Hope you got a pay raise last X’mas xP
Who are you stalking to have found this? lol
Keyed in “work” to search the threads. Opened up a random “what are you working on this week?” hoping to find inspiration to motivate myself. Already found two comments that I thought warranted more sats. Zapping is caring
Good deal!!
Good question. Thanks to @cryotosensei's reply I noticed I made a mistake here which I can no longer edit:
in it's prevalent form
Honestly that grammar mistake was the least of my concerns. Make mistakes with reckless abandon!
Yea, I don't know how the culture is in Europe or other parts of the world, but in the US, many places frown up on sharing compensation information with others, though legally you're allowed to share it with coworkers and the like. I agree that it helps folks be held accountable, so I am all for it.
Thank you for sharing your story, I have never worked at a company that small, but I can see why you chose to pursue SN as your next venture.
Oh, forgot to ask. What about you? :) How much do you earn?
I earn around $195KUSD salary in my current position. Full time software engineer with ~8 years experience after college.