Hmmm.. What if you tweaked it a bit...?
Hold the sats zapped to the posts in escrow for the given user. The user can claim his sats by posting a comment on his original HN post containing an LN address, or something similar.
Charge a monthly fee for the escrow service. You don't want someone showing up a decade from now and claiming 0.1 BTC, or to create an incentive for thieves to engage in all sorts of fuckery.
This way, you don't need to post anything on HN. When money is involved, news will spread by word of mouth. Someone else will post it for you.
I settled for them replying to the bio post of @hn to claim their sats :)
And I was hoping for the news to spread organically at some point. Let's say when SN becomes really big and HN can't ignore it any longer. Maybe then they will see how much @hn has stacked in all this time and what they missed out on, lol
Charge a monthly fee for the escrow service. You don't want someone showing up a decade from now and claiming 0.1 BTC, or to create an incentive for thieves to engage in all sorts of fuckery.
I think I would just look up the exchange rate of bitcoin at the date @hn posted the link and then give them the sats according to this exchange rate, not the current one. But the max amount of sats is the sats their post received.