pull down to refresh

fixed, thanks!
I thought I did not have configured the bot to start automatically on boot. My server went down because I didn't pay the bills a few days ago.
Turns out I had (was too blind to see it in crontab) and the bot was running twice which meant the duplicate check didn't work since both bots posted at the same time.
What are the criteria for the bot to post HN content? I sometimes post content I find there, should I stop?
No, don't stop, sharing links from HN is for everyone. @hn will only post links if they weren't already posted. Handpicked links are almost always of better quality.
The basic algorithm is to check every hour if the top story on HN was already posted on SN. If not, @hn will post it.
Some more info:
@hn started more as an experiment to see if I can write a bot that provides value and if so, if I can make it profitable. It stacked 25k sats in 82 days with about 7667 (30%) for posting fees (I pay around 11 sats per post - 1 for the link, 10 for the comment). So on average, the bot stacked 300 sats per day so far :)
I do believe there is some room for improvement though. @nout has given me some good ideas (to post less but more curated) but I did not have the time to implement these ideas yet. Maybe this week.
Oh and the other idea (as described in the bio) was to find a way to orange-pill HN, lol
Good luck with that! They're very anti-crypto (pausing for a moment to see if Darth smites me just for typing the word) and anti-Web3.0 (I'm really asking for it now) and don't seem to understand the difference between the aforementioned blasphemies and bitcoin.
I have already given up on it. See this thread (mentioned in bio of @hn)