Oh sweet! Do you have the code hosted somewhere?
I was hoping booger could eventually be a relay in the browser for offline usage and for a cache that worked like I was communicating with a relay.
When I said started writing I literally meant it. It's just a bunch of ideas and pieces of code.
a cache that worked like I was communicating with a relay
Exactly my goal!
Honestly if booger aims to do this it might be more productive to contribute to it instead. You probably know way more than me about relay internals.
What was your plan to make it work in the browser? Postgres WASM? (I thought this going to be a joke but it actually exists)
To booger work in the browser, we'd have to:
  1. move note storage into a booger plug so that we could swap out postgres and swap in something more suitable for the browser (either sqlite wasm or dexie or something)
  2. create some abstraction around the http server such that it could be swapped out for some other communication mechanism
If I were to begin working on this today, I'd just create a booger fork that could run in the browser, then work towards (1) and (2).
Super interesting. I'll have a look later