There's a ton of different features we could add. Everyone has a bunch of great ideas (images, polls, articles, chat, mobile apps, etc.). Honestly, it's making it a bit hard to decide what to work on. One framework I'm considering using to make these decisions is what adds the most value for the most users relative to the amount of time required to get it done (assuming it isn't at odds with the future direction of the site).
One of the more requested "features" are subs that aren't necessarily bitcoin-focused. To start I was thinking of creating a ~misc sub where all of these other discussions could go for the time being. My main concern though is it might be too early and it's not clear where certain stuff should go. Is macro news Bitcoin-related or ~misc? How about meta stuff?
What do you think? ACK or NACK a ~misc sub?
Is misc the right name or ...
- tangent
- other
- offtopic
- random