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What are your thoughts on The Real World?
If you have/currently subscribed to it, are you making money?
Has it change your life?
The real world is also the internet.
Having said that, you can make money from the internet alone.
I seem to have inherited a household subscription at one point, so many years ago that I've lost count, even though the service keeps pressuring you to memorize this and even buy the microtransaction "cake" when it comes around.
The service keeps pressuring me to submit to a million conventions I guess they count as "agreed to" through the inheritance? They have a mechanism that claims you can at least change some superficial things in the terms, though I've found this is one of these things where, no matter what button I push on the remote for it, nothing changes. I think it's just pretend.
What's really annoying is that you get spawned in basic mode, and they force you into grinding, but without getting anything out of it. They charge massive fees all the time, and if you don't pay them, it seems you get transferred into a cardbox-shaped sandbox part that's quite drab, dark, and painful.
It has just enough funny parts that I don't want to cancel it just yet, but I'm looking for a way to stop "push A to grind" all day every day. I think I found that "B" button does something to that effect, but it takes patience. It gives me a popup about time preference something.
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