I try to stay on the lookout for areas of improvement. Here are some things I've been working on lately.
DIY home maintenance: Over the past couple of years we've saved thousands of dollars by learning how to do relatively simple tasks around the house, rather than hiring someone to do it for us.
Getting healthier: Being more physically active, avoiding heavily processed foods and take out, and eating more whole fruits and veggies.
Wading into the Value for Value world: I've gotten active on SN, Minds, and Nostr, recently, and I'm planning to start writing more longer form articles and essays on sites like WordForm and ZapRead.
I'll need to check out WordForm and ZapRead...
They're still pretty underdeveloped, but I think they have potential.
I just joined Zapread this week! How can I follow you? xP
Is there any activity over there? I stopped checking in. Stacker News has basically crowded out all my other social media usage.