while I do believe Bitcoin is the best I am not a Bitcoin-only type of guy.
It's not that Bitcoin is the best.
It's that there is no second best.
You must understand and expect that everything other than bitcoin trends down over time.
Good money lives at the base layer of value. Over time, it accrues the productive gains society makes with technology and distributes those gains via greater purchasing power.
This is "number go up" technology, but it actually works in reverse: bitcoin is merely maintaining its own value (the base layer of value, 1BTC = 1BTC) while technology drives prices down as productivity increases.
That's what Satoshi discovered: how real money works.
I find that orange pilling doesn't happen until you truly wrap your head around that concept. It changes your worldview.
There really are no shortcuts with orange pilling. It takes proof of work. All you can do with strangers is point them to the right learning material. With friends, do the same and hope you can tan talk their ear off for a few hours. Works for me.
Never had it explained like this before. Very inspiring! What are the best places to get a deeper understanding of this, according to you? EDIT: did I do the upvote thing right?
Jeff Booth's The Price of Tomorrow is all about this idea of technological deflation.
Bitcoin aligns deflationary pressures of technology with our monetary system -- something the current inflationary regime works directly against.
Any of his podcasts/online reading material is also a great place to dig deeper.