Do you really need a modern spec? I ask because I found recently you can build a half decent machine for ~500USD using a used T440p Thinkpad. You can upgrade to the following specs:
  • i7 4700mq 2.4Ghz 4 core CPU
  • 16GB DDR3 RAM
  • 1920 x 1080 full HD IPS screen
  • Up to 5TB storage
  • Supported by Coreboot
  • Intel ME can be disabled
  • Easy to open up and upgrade, repair etc.
  • Sturdy, well documented online with an enthusiastic community of users
  • Cheap
  • Works fine and is even quite snappy for browsing, email, Sparrow Wallet, simple programming, Libre Office docs, simple virtual machines
  • Not going to work well for generative AI, advanced virtualization, modern games
  • Bulky and noisy by modern standards
  • SD card reader appears not to be working in Coreboot.
You can get the parts easily on ebay, aliexpress, Amazon. You will need a programmer to flash the BIOS chip to install Coreboot. Recommend upgrading the touchpad to a Synaptics T450 touchpad.
Here are some good online resources:
Unofficial guide to install Coreboot:
Buy ready built machines from the UK:
Thank you for the detailed answer! For the kind of work I do (and my lifestyle) portability and battery life, on top of decent processing power, are a must.
I think some other people would definitely benefit from these slightly older setups.
That said it would be great to find a longer-term solution for these "remote management" "features" or we're going to keep stuck in the past with processing power.
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I saw those "Qubes certified" on Insurgo I believe (out of stock)