I don’t really trust Jack Dorsey. But, my mind can be change. I didn’t like how he let twitter ran wild and looses control of twitter. He is the founder and creator of twitter and yet he abandoned it just so he can go create another similar platform while he can just take twitter over and revamp it. He claim to care about humanity yet he let people it became rotten t the core than switch. He let twitter fall intentionally so he can come up with another better platform knowing he can steal twitter user from them. Is is a snake in my eyes for now. I hope I am wrong. And I hope he prove me wrong.
I think he lost control of Twitter and at the point didn't have the ability to do anything about it.
It's a bit harsh to blame Jack entirely. There was 8 people on the board of directors and nobody ever mentions the other 7.
Don't get me wrong, I do think Jack fucked up somewhere but I don't think he knew the magnitude of his fuck up at the time.