Why was Bitcoin created? Learning about the prehistory of Bitcoin which are the cypherpunks and how they all built on each others work for decades which led to Bitcoin.
What is Bitcoin? Which can be divided in
  • Bitcoin's use cases (if you don't see it's practical usage, you might ignore it)
  • Bitcoin's monetary policy
  • What Bitcoin is, described high level
  • All the import concepts described in the whitepaper and explained simply, preferably visually
Why is Bitcoin different than the rest?
How to buy Bitcoin and to promote non-kyc Bitcoin.
How to send and receive bitcoin. Find your transaction on a blockchain explorer where you can see what information is publicly available.
Very important -> how to save and secure your Bitcoin by doing.
Last but not least, a short Lightning demo should also be included. So you know you don't have to wait for a minimum of 10 minutes.