he also started COPA, which is extremely important.
ill take him over meat eating and preaching influencer twitter drama queens any day lol
not everything is conspiratorial or has a hidden agenda. imagine yourself waking up one day with a shitload of cash, wouldnt you cough up some donations for your favorite tech?
Jack literally eats raw meat so I guess you can eat a dick trying to implicitly shill your cuckery in this comment. 😂🤡
imagine knowing this or caring. you know exactly what i mean now go be a good cucky and like some tweets of your favorite influencers like the good obedient follower you are.
You are the cuck. You listen to the fiat leftist fiat agenda, and fall for the usual leftist tropes, analogous to the mainstream view among democrats that every right wing person is "obediently" brainwashed, listening to Alex Jones and is an inbred 85 IQer.
You are an illiterate, who has stumbled into bitcoin by pure luck, despite your nature of trusting authoritarian propaganda in every single other facet of your life. You are part of the cult of the establishment and you get uncomfortable around people you find to be too uppity. The world is worse off for you not figuring it out in lockstep with your kind.
It's funny how basic your model of the world is because people like me are the first to point out the stupidity of "influencers".
You may have skin in the game (and obviously OP's question was pretty dumb), but it seems you have no soul in the game, and I am talking about life, lest you accuse me of deifying a piece of software.