What are your recommendations for the best tools/services to introduce precoiners or new bitcoiners to in order to get them off zero?!? A few of my favs are Fold, Lolli, Thunder games, ZBD games, sMiles, Fountain, Bitcoin Magazine App.
this is the website for you: https://www.stacksats.how/
S9 space heater
Litstak is easy and fast. https://litstak.com/
Fountain podcast app and Bitcoin Magazine app. Both pay you for consuming content
Every friday you've got a code from Magazine app wich it goes from 21 to 350 sats
How i get this kind of codes on friday? I never received one...
Slice browser extension is great, you get paid by browsing normaly, it will display some ads once in a while.
You have a "new tab" extension wich is in beta and let u increase the slices you get.
I like freebitcoin the most and have stacked a pretty good amount there the past couple years. https://freebitco.in/?r=51512055
^ shill link. Help land my first ever referral here and you get 1/2 of the commissions in perpetuity / scout’s honor
  • Do not play the hi lo game obviously since odds are programmed against you.
Meant to add I agree with all of your other methods, I don’t use sMiles though. I like all of the others, Fold, fountain and Lolli the most. I also just recently started using Slice and seems like a better stacking rate than most