I think the buy now pay later model is fundamentally different from sats streaming. Some items, such as shoes or a t-shirt cannot be broken down into pieces to be consumed. These all-or-nothing items are not suitable to be purchased via sats streaming. Sats streaming excel in buying items that are able to be broken down into fine, fungible increments; like billing on how many minutes or even seconds you stream a show, or how many oz of beer you poured.
Buy now pay later is debt consumption, and I don’t think it will work well on a bitcoin standard because of Bitcoin’s increasing purchasing power over time. Debt consumption only makes sense on an inflationary currency like fiat. Sats streaming is actually final settlement of incremental consumption of a good that can be broken down, in real time. Streaming sats for equipment rental might be a thing, but streaming sats to buy out an all-or-nothing item does not make sense to me. At least, if I’m the vendor selling an all-or-nothing item, I would not let you walk away with it until you pay me in full in sats.
Yes, I was never suggesting bringing BNPL into a Bitcoin standard -- I think Lightning will bust that payment model
Fully agree with all your points
Absolutely, the number of buy now / pay later options offered at checkout nowadays is pretty scary. Seems much more like a desperate fight for survival on the part of the seller than a special perk or convenience that they’re graciously offering to customers. Obviously we’re supposed to believe they’re doing us a favor by baiting us into more and more debt