Have you looked at Elixir?
IMHO, like Bitcoin, it is seriously undervalued.
It’s more about the platform and ecosystem than the language itself.
The language syntax itself is similar to Ruby. Very approachable with some neat new features.
But the platform is outstanding. It runs on Erlang and its BEAM Virtual Machine. A stunning piece of technology that is especially well suited for today’s web services!
Functional, fault tolerance, scales to thousands and millions of connections pretty easily.
And then there is projects like Phoenix and Phoenix LiveView.
Brings real-time to the web in a pretty nice way.
Some of the highlights I‘ve seen over the last couple of years:
  • Functional, immutable
  • Process Architecture
  • Easy to write fault tolerant systems
  • Easy to write (big) systems that recover („self-heal“) in case of error
  • Phoenix Framework
  • Oban, a job worker framework
  • Absinthe, for GraphQL
  • Ash, a holistic framework that reduces most boilerplate for your typical CRUD operations and a framework that actually allows to escape the framework if it doesn’t solve a problem right away for you
We‘ve recently built a system that handles quite a tricky process and where lots of external services are involved. I wouldn’t have wanted to implement this process in, say, Node.js. With Elixir and Oban, it was rather straightforward.
Hard to describe. The process model and functional approach is the game changer for me.
All in all, I am really happy to have discovered Elixir a couple of years ago.
It changed how I write software a lot.
Still happy with the choice.
Other highlights I forgot to mention:
  • documentation is actually good 😄
  • the community is awesome, very helpful and responsive
If you are curious to learn more and see Elixir in action, I can only recommend watching this fantastic talk:
„The Soul of Erlang and Elixir“ by Saša Jurić 🧡