I need an on chain bitcoin phone wallet. I used to use Trust, blue wallet and others but they seem to be old and not updated. I have used samorai but want to try something else. How about green wallet? Any others?
i currently use samourai for my btc hot wallet, and phoenix for lightning (on android). i've also been using my stacker.news wallet for receiving zaps on nostr, since phoenix doesn't give you the email lightning address, and wallet of satoshi is custodial
Green wallet is an extremely good onchain wallet. I personally have only ever stayed on Samourai or Green for onchain. Green has great hardware wallet support alongside it so I used a Trezor with it in the past.
What issues have you had with Samurai if any? Currently looking into Samourai for an academic project so would be interesting to see feedback.
No issues with samourai at all. The ui could be prettier and smoother. I also trying to find some thing I can get my mom to use. I'll check out green
Oh yeah makes sense... It is a bit ugly.
Don’t use Trust wallet. It’s a shitcoin wallet and I think it reuses bitcoin receiving address, but I might be wrong. Either way, Trust wallet is made by Binance, and my recommendation to anything connected to Binance is to stay the fuck away.
I personally like Blue a lot and it was my primary on chain wallet on phone. But recently, I’ve been using Nunchuk more and more. It’s especially good ever since Nunchuk added coin control to one of their updates a short while back. I use Nunchuk with a tapsigner, so even if my phone gets compromised, my funds are still save. Of course you can always just keep the seed in your phone and use it as a hot wallet. The wallet is pretty straight forward and easy to use, and it’s an open source project. Check it out.
Yea I'm done with trust. I'll try nunchuk. Thanks!
Don't use any wallet that supports shitcoin and you will be fine. I preffer BlueWallet, has great design, wich i value a lot.
Electrum, green, bluewallet. But on mobile you should use mostly LN not onchain.
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