Don't. You can get everything you need from a live stream. Those tickets cost hundreds to thousands of dollars. Unless you have a group of friends you are meeting with it really is not worth the effort of going. Those conferences end up being a place for social media influences to mingle more than anything.
I learned this lesson from the gaming industry and attending events for work. If you do go just skip on the conference. There is enough activity generated from the conference or convention that you will find like minded people all over the immediate area in bars and different hang out spots. That is where the real fun of going is. That and if you get invited to after parties. That is fun and usually you can find one to get into.
A Bitcoin conference is not different from any other tech or gaming convention so listen to your gut.
"Those tickets cost hundreds to thousands of dollars".
That doesn't sound so bad.
You should have said, "... Millions of Satoshis". This sounds unbearably expensive.
If I recall you can actually buy BTC Miami tickets in Bitcoin. There are VIP whale tickets you can buy too for some super crazy amount of Bitcoin with some additional perks. So you are not too far off the mark. I hope that one day Bitcoin is so boring that it does not need a specific convention. That is how integrated into society it should be.