what's the risk of getting your coinjoin doxxed here?
Your badbank change is linked to your premix coinjoin transaction. So, if you spend the badbank, the receiver of the badbank sats can see whatever premix tx that is linked to the badbank sats being spent.
Further mixes in postmix can cut the link from badbank sats to the postmix sats, but whoever received those badbank sats can still tell how much coin was involved in the premix tx. As such, you should really not spend your badbank sats, especially not send it directly to a third party.
What I usually do with my badbank change is that if it's a big enough utxo, I'll do another mix of the badbank utxo into a smaller pool. I'll mix it until it's too small to mix, then I'll just leave it in the badbank account. But beware to never mix 1 bandbank utxo with another badbank utxo, because by doing so, you're linking 2 or more separate coinjoin transactions together. If you're going to mix badbank change, do them 1 by 1.
man this shit is complicated to manage manually. like, it's not that difficult to understand, but actually using on chain coin joined utxos and staying private takes some real organisation.
Which is why making good notes on each utxo in your wallet is highly recommended if you want to maintain good privacy. And privacy is especially important in an adversarial environment as bitcoin is a public ledger.