If I want to pay with BTC, the markets narrow down a lot... Now days, all the houses selling for sats are huge ones and I'll be looking for something smaller.
Nowadays, I will not buy any house in a city. Are total garbage for a lot of money. If you really have to stay in a city, just rent, pay in sats, cheap, clean, simple., stack sats as much as you can.
If you move out of a city, you better buy land and start homesteading.
Real estate is a shitcoin.
On my brief interaction with an agent about Bitcoin, they mentioned they would accept it for a fee. Like a processing fee to flip it to fiat.
At first I was horried at the non-sense, but later I warmed to the idea. My hands were clean, wouldn't have to deal with fiat, and would happily pay for the convenience.
When you buy a house, it's a private contract. The seller and buyer cn agree whatever value of the house and payment method. The agent or gov have nothing to do with the terms. You guys, stop involving other parties to your private contracts.