The other day when Strike released their app to I believe 65+ countries I thought I would try it out.
I was disappointed that my sats that I transferred to the app were converted to USDT and I had to convert them back to sats.
As much as I enjoy Jack Mallers Ballin. This is a dick move in my opinion.
I’m just curious what do people look for when supporting or not supporting Bitcoin only companies?
Bitcoin doesn't need any company
So if I want to run a business stacking sats I don’t need to work with other businesses that use bitcoin?
Bitcoin is money.
You can have any business that creates any kind of goods and services, and charge in sats.
Is this some kind of troll?
No, he's totally right.
Yeah, I made that mistake too
You need to select the bitcoin option before receive
Still feel that is a bit of a dick move.
Having it as a default is a bit of a dick move, yeah. If their main market is replacing Venmo or whatever, I can see the logic of setting the default as dollars to dollars, but Bitcoin as a default would be a good way to get people to think about it.
what do people look for when supporting or not supporting Bitcoin only companies?
Is simple: see what their app shows inside. If is showing only BTC symbol by default that means are the good ones. If is showing any other shitcoin fiat or worse shitcoins stablecoins or other crap, that mneans is a no go.
Strike is NOT a Bitcoin only company. Is just using LN to move value over borders. A kind of new Paypal, but with LN. That doesn't mean will push Bitcoin adoption but worse, will keep merchants using fiat.
Thanks I didn’t know this.
I think you may have sent a "payment" to your Strike account. Strike uses the LN to auto-convert payments of any currency to dollars in your cash balance. This is the venmo-like side of Strike.
What you want to do is what @2bithits is saying. Weird technical nuance, i know.