My fat fingers are struggling!
FlorisBoard is the GrapheneOS user's keyboard.
There were discussions to replace the GOS original keyboard with FlorisBoard but it didn't go through due to licensing issues with a component the keyboard app uses.
A lot of people (me included) also use the GBoard with Internet access turned off.
Any idea when they'll add suggestions to the ux? That's a really needed feature. Must be hard to do without dependencies.
Like word suggestions??
I think that's a feature in FlorisBoard, they say it is... unless it's broken
According to a notice in settings the feature is not available.
Well shit... it appears it's been disabled in the latest release as they seem to be rebuilding the whole app for a large release. That sucks.
AnySoftKeyboard is another I used, no idea if it has suggestions though
Just downloaded it. Big improvement. Thanks.