Okay, well what if you just charged everyone for access? Both read and write. If you're an active participant on SN, you can afford it. Pretty much anyone who posts a bio here gets at least a few hundred sats.
The idea makes it difficult for people to lurk before signing up (I did that for a while), but you can solve that with differential pricing for subs. Some subs can be completely open, others much more exclusive. Or, you can charge based on the age of a post.
Even 21 sats (I think this is a nice symbolic number for digital self-defense) would cripple LLM scraping at scale. I think we have an existential necessity to move cyberspace away from the old freemium model, and even free access.
Corporations will continue to exploit for data training all the content we put out here, constituting yet another form of energy extraction.
Meanwhile, for the individual user, the fractions of a penny we're talking about are trivially accessible.