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The bitcoiners are all getting together and claiming a country for the citadel.
Where are we going??
Bermuda, so we can send visiting shitcoiners into the Bermuda Triangle.
one of the land masses beyond the ice wall
I haven’t travelled much but my top picks climate/terrain wise:
  1. California - perfect weather along the coast, mountains, forests, snow, agriculture.
  2. Hawaii big island - pretty much a humid California but isolated and perhaps more defendable.
  3. Portugal - when I was there at least it was the California of Europe in terms of weather. I’d settle for an island in the Azores. I’ve only been to Terceira but 🤌
I realize I’m making most of my choices based on climate. It’s just summer in Texas right now lol
I think you would also like Costa Rica. Great balance of coast, beaches, rainforest, volcanoes, mountains, hikes, waterfalls...
i've heard rural portugal is a good place for a bitcoin citadel
California is the correct answer. Starting with a clean slate, Florida and Texas suck in comparison. If you disagree, you probably need to get outside more.
Argentina will be the best country in the world once they adopt the bitcoin standard.
South American countries implode every 10 years, both economically and politically. Some crook will be elected by a dump population and will try to steal your shit.
This is interesting... can you elaborate? I know it is great for cattle and the mountains. What makes it better than the American West? (Obviously, ignoring the occupants and current political regimes).
One downside is it is farther from Asia and Europe so shipping will take longer and be more expensive.
All of them. Bitcoin is global.
Possibly Belize (Central America / Caribbean). Cheap land, very low property tax, small stable government, one of the least populated countries on earth, English as official language, equal property rights as a foreigner, the most diverse population I've ever seen (nobody stands out too obviously if you dress down like a local), simple stable currency ($1USD = $2BelizeDollars), very friendly and helpful people, many expatriates, good climate for growing food, cheap produce, great local cuisine, 2nd largest barrier reef on earth = great diving (home of the Blue Hole), beautiful jungle, wildlife galore, and again - a small government that may be possible to orange pill.
New Hampshire Free State Project is very interesting. https://www.fsp.org/
They have had more success than any of the 100s of similar ideas that have floated around in the past 30 years.
But if you want somewhere cheaper or where you can start from zero... El Salvador shows a lot of promise. Buying land there to start a new community would be relatively easy.
We'll build a seastead larger than any continent if we have to.
But I'd be happy to take over the USA and make it about freedom again.
Wherever you move stay in your same longitude
Carve us out Santa Barbara.
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