I think Redox is super cool but I don't think it's anywhere near ready for mobile use. That'd require the following:
  • Hardware acceleration/drivers (most likely these will need to be ported from Linux like how the BSDs do, so they'd likely suffer from the same vulnerabilities)
  • More widely supported hardware platforms
  • More applications (ideally some sort of Linux emulation, I remember hearing about progress on this but I don't know if it's still under active development)
There's a pre-prod rust microkernel OS called Redox, made by the System76 team, it is a good template for how to build a Rust OS
I don't think Redox is a System76 project? You might be thinking about System76's new DE Cosmic
I agree Redox is nowhere near ready, but like I said I think its inspiration for what a memory safe OS could look like.
Redox OS is not officially a System76 product, it is FOSS under MIT License. The lead maintainer for Redox is Jeremy Soller who is also the principal engineer for System76, and RedoxOS recommends using System76 PC's for best compatibility.