Don't use a phone carrier! One of the nice things about Graphene is the fact it actually doesn't ping your imei and location to nearby cell towers every few seconds (with airplane mode on)
You can literally walk around town, with an active phone, and NOT be tracked (for once)
If you can live on WiFi alone just put an anonymous data sim in a VPN dongle and switch it on when you need it
Regarding apps:
  • simplex chat
  • mullvad vpn
  • amethyst social media
  • k9 mail, or protonmail if you use it
  • Element (Matrix) - a teams/slack/discord alternative
  • f-droid store
  • obtainium
  • aurora (for the closed source apps)
  • bitwarden
  • organic maps
  • btc map
  • stacker news PWA
Also lightning wallet of choice, obviously
Organic maps, huh. I prefer OsmAnd for the map, it is very customizable with the possibility to download the latest updates if you are a contributor (more than 30 contributions per month). For quick contributions also Every Door is nice. And to know quickly where is the North, Trail Sense also is great. There are some applications like Electrum and Green though that I had to install from a link on Github to get an official build.
Thanks. Do you know of a good source to download Phoenix that avoids the play store, other than github?
i think those are the only two places the apk is published
if you don't want to use obtainium/github directly, next best choice would be aurora store
there's a hack to avoid the rate limiting issue - just set aurora store as the default app for opening play store links
If you dont mind me picking your brain, I downloaded and installed Phoenix from the github. I can use obtanium to notify me of and install updates? What's the benefit of obtanium? I can just download from github, no?
Thanks. I think I'll go the obtainium/github route.
I already have broken from Gmail and use proton for mail, drive, contacts and VPN. I love your idea about no carrier. I can live without a phone. I really like the idea of an anonymous data Sim on a dongle
Order a mudi GL 750 vpn travel router and load blue Merle software onto it (2/3 commands)
You can then change the imei every time you switch sim, and have 100% of your traffic go through through a tunnel
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Great question, looks like a nice device, I like the bigger antennae for better 4g reception. Worth raising a github issue, I would say.
I'm going to need at least Zeus for my node, Phoenix for convenience, Alby for nostr, and Mutiny just because I want to be there when it takes over the world!