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What do plebs have the hardest time understanding about bitcoin in your experience?
First of all the term pleb, means a humble bitcoiner that already have some knowledge about how Bitcoin works. And is a way more knowledge than a nocoiner / shitcoiner / precoiner would have.
So I think you refer to newbies or precoiners, those that start getting in contact with bitcoin but still don't get it, right?
So for these... the basic concept that take time until they get it, is ... NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR BITCOINS.
Simple as that. All the rest are just technicalities. But once they get this and understand it well, then all the rest comes very easily.
NYKNYB is for sure a big one…it’s hard for newcomers to even understand why someone would need to take custody themselves. Relying on third parties is so deeply ingrained.
And my problem seems to be understanding proper terminology lol
The best recent example of a guy not understanding this basic rule is Hotep at BTC2023 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XPNffSywoCg
There are definitely some people that don't feel comfortable around tech. They still have a flip phone and need their kid to program the tv remote, but I think the vast majority of people that are like this guy don't want the responsibility. Can't tell if it's laziness, ignorance or fear keeping people out but they 100% don't want to be made/held responsible.
that was a bad look...and at a bitcoin conference too.
I know many people (normies) that think exactly the same. And that is the most sad thing.
My hope is that bitcoin restores that sense of individuality back into the world.
We’ve all become so complacent relying on others to take care of things for us that we don’t realize how much of ourselves we give up to other people.
A world that provides the tools necessary for us to easily take ownership over our lives and future, I think, will be a far more beautiful place, aesthetically, psychologically, and spiritually
How PoW is necessary and not "wasteful".
This x100
Wallets don’t hold coins
The coins are always on the blockchain, your keys just give you “rights” to those coins essentially
The responsibility of self custody.
The least understood concept is that the transitionary state between full fiat and full bitcoin is the most complex economic environment that will ever exist and you cannot simply look at sound money economics to understand the transition.
The LEAST understood concept is the role the 4th function of money plays in the transition, and it's rather poorly understood from the get go due to the fact most people think there are only three.
Moreover, the only person who was explained it in any level of detail is a lazy writer whose newsletter meanders and is not that easy to understand and often unconvincing, but it doesn't really matter to me whether you get it. https://heaviside.substack.com/p/the-forgotten-fourth-function-of
Thank you for this
Haven’t fully explored your newsletter and links within it yet, but this is the exact kinda content I’m after
Challenging assumptions, raising rather unspoken conversations among bitcoiners
I truly don’t have a good understanding of the 4th function of money, so I’m excited to dive into it
Easy, how nonce works.
simplest stuff is: "not your keys, not your coins"
one complex: would be the balance of miners and nodes on activating softforks and hardforks and why you don't trust either one or the other. I don't even get this totally myself yet
Ya when I first got into the space, the distinction between nodes and miners confused me
Byzantine generals problem
apparently inscriptions because everyone blames taproot
I am interested to see what comes of inscriptions…cautiously optimistic, but the wave of obvious garbage proliferating now in their early stages is quite the eye roll
In my case it's how to consolidate UTXO's so you don't spend an arm and leg on mining fees. I am still learning how UTXO's work.
bitcoin script probably. reading a stack based programming language is just weird lol
In terms of tech, how the UTXOs work and the various BIP-<x> recipes for getting from mnemonic to private and public keys.
In terms of sociology, why Bitcoin exists in the first place, why so many Bitcoiners distrust government money
Forks are a challenging one to explain to non computer science people in my experience
lmao factsz
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Will have to look more into his work, I’m all about some good bitcoin philosophy
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