The religion thing... its a human being thing, not a bitcoin problem. Nothing is wrong with bitcoin or the "community". A large majority of people turn pretty much anything they get passionate about into a religion. They get their self worth from it. They raise themselves up by comparing to those that aren't in the inside group. The best resource on this is Jesus teachings in the New Testament of the Bible. What is funny is how so many "non-religious" people are religious about things outside of faith. Now, this isn't everyone but it is a large number of people. It only makes sense that bitcoin would foster this. Twitter as well is a great place for this type of behavior.
The religion of "the State" is probably the biggest one people are blind to. Some call it democracy, some call it patriotism, but I call it a religion. I can only really comment on the US but when you take a hard look at what all children are taught by the government schools, our parents, and the media... it is has serious religious undertones. I would argue in the context of Christianity it could be classified as idolatry.
Stand and face the flag
Yep, but there's so much more.
Amen! :) It always surprises me how non-religious people think that they aren't being religious about their various beliefs.
Yep, well we can all be blind. I try to remain vigilant about my own blind spots.