Just curious does anyone else invest in anything else? I get anxious just putting everything into Bitcoin but I’m having trouble finding other things to invest in because it’s hard to find things that compete with inflation.
I’m just curious to see what other Bitcoiners think and are doing? I do believe humanity needs to go towards nuclear power but I don’t really understand how to invest in that market.
Bitcoin came around to do away with the very idea you're thinking of
Diversification is the same game we've played for thousands of years, trying to figure out the best combo of assets to beat inflation
It's a rich man's information game
Bitcoin suggests that savings shouldn't be so difficult. Anyone, anywhere around the world, can simply hold bitcoin and watch the world around them become cheaper over time.
Everything else was just a proxy for money. Bitcoin is the first real money.
Real money accrues purchasing power over time. No other asset in the world can guarantee that.
Stay humble, stack sats.
If you come to Bitcoin only thinking as "investment" you are wrong... totally wrong. Learn what really is Bitcoin and how to use it as money, not as an investment.
And yes, anything else is a crap shitcoin. You have Bitcoin, you have everything you want.
I don’t think of it only as an investment. I’m just concerned about hyperinflation and I find Bitcoin very valuable so I would prefer to acquire more before I start using it as money.
the hyperinflation is just a distraction... You have way more other things you should be concerned. My advice: learn every day something new about Bitcoin and just stack sats. When the day will come, you will start using it as money and don't care about anything else.
I will learn everyday! However what are the other things I should be concerned with?
some gold, some numismatics and antiques, real estate and invest in myself by learning new skills and invest in my health.
all of these things cannot be taxed and are largely beyond the reach of government. real estate being the exception but if you own just one modest family home you're not likely to be taxed too badly
Michael Saylor's talk "The future of Bitcoin" at BTC Prague was great. Actually without family and kids, I would probably go all in with BTC. So I still have stock funds as well as real estate (my own home and some for investing).
I’ll have a look at it.
Depends how involved you want to get. Index funds are a fairly simple way to start.
Holding only bitcoin in a fiat world is obviously a bad idea. Eventually it will be just like saying "holding money" - you won't have to take on market risk to preserve your wealth.
I think my anxiety was getting the better of me. Thank-you everyone for your help. Going to start selling most of my belongings to stack more sats.
Once you understand Bitcoin, is almost impossible to find a better place to put your money.