Met a colleague from long ago at a Physics conference. He's not from the US but has been living in the US for years.
Similar to most people in academia, he's mostly liberal (using the US political framework). He hence got infected by that awful thing in the US that makes every topic to be a partisan thing: If you are liberal/conservative, you must hate this and love that. So even though he never much looked into Bitcoin, he had a negative opinion by default.
He's a very good scientist though, so he's very open to reason and discussion. So as we got to talk about potential future plans post-academic career, I mentioned I am quite interested in the LN technology. We then got to talk about Bitcoin, and all the typical arguments against Bitcoin he had heard came up, and I simply but clearly explained why most of them are based on ignorance of reality and the mistakes of lumping bitcoin with the rest of crypto, the fact of thinking of Bitcoin in terms of Dollar price, speculation, not being aware of the actual utility Bitcoin provides, etc. The fact he's originally from a S-American country with a broken government also helped to go into the discussion talking about what a world would look like when countries stop depending on US Dollar.
He came out of this hour-long discussion (at most) saying: wow, you know your stuff. This thing might actually have potential. Not sure I orange-pilled him per se, but at least, some prejudices got cleared up.
Other than that, my wife had the typical get-rich-quick thinking mentality when thinking of our Bitcoin holdings, but recently felt much better after suffering a lot mentally during her first bear market and realizing Bitcoin is not just a dollar number but has other qualities. She still thinks of "cashing out", one day... so i still got some work to do there ;) We're in South Korea, so this get-rich-quick mentality is strong here.
My dad is typical old boomer. Very good with the old fiat system, but after I spent (one time) couple of hours telling about running a LN node, he casually mentioned: oh maybe I should put some money in Bitcoin too. Don't think he followed up with that one, so not sure he was orange-pilled. But circumstances make I don't see him often, so I prefer not to talk only about Bitcoin when I meet him, so he might only come around later.