I talked to my brother-in-law about it. He's a genuinely curious guy and likes to learn about new things, so it wasn't a really hard sell. In the beginning, I pretty much used Satoshi's reasoning and told him that "it might make sense just to get some in case it catches on." I told him if he only put 1%-5% of his net worth into this thing, he doesn't really have much to lose. Basically trying to bait him into getting some with number go up.
Then the trucker protest happened. We met for dinner and we were talking about the freezing of bank accounts. That gave me a perfect real life example to explain how the fiat banking system is cucked. I proceeded to explained to him everything he thought he owned could be taken from him on a whim by the authoritarians with violence, including his money, his car, his house, and all his physical belonging. Bitcoin is the only thing that he truly owns and is probably the only thing he can bring with him when fleeing a border. I think he had increased his bitcoin allocation ever since the talk...