Sure, but why? Mismanagement? Hiring too many expensive developers? Overpaying for espresso machines on every floor at HQ?
A lot of bots, fake traffic, intentionally vague and incomplete answers, eroding trust and loyalty, none of which translate into actual dollars of profit. If the success of the business model relies on maximizing time spent on the site, and it’s users have no skin in the game, the only way it will remain a going concern is if the information it provides confuses the hell out of you at first thereby tricking you into spend more time on the site searching for an answer to your question, thereby resulting in more attractive monthly KPIs on which to base its ad pricing.
At worst a giant money laundering operation, at best a mediocre and lackluster product.
The bubble is way bigger than I thought... My whole adult life has been a lie haha
Glad to see your eyes are opening. One reason so many "smart" and successful people oppose bitcoin and other changes is because they have been made wealthy by the status quoe.