@FrickFrickFrick I don't know if you will see this but sincerely here is some advice. Don't take "people" online personal. None of this is real. I'm including myself here. We are all personas. You are as well. You are better off adjusting your perspective of online discourse. I'm not excusing or condemning anyone's behavior online but when you realize it isn't real... it changes the way you receive communications. I don't know you, you don't know me. We could have 1000s of exchanges on this site. You still don't know me. Don't kid yourself. I see this a lot online. Our online personas are just that. Personas. Not the real person.
Take it or leave it. My advice here is sincere, I have allowed others to trigger me online. I still do at times but now I realize, that's my flaw. I need to see the Internet for what it truly is.